It wrinkles the soul …..

by Sunil Bali. 10-06-2018

By all accounts Henry Kravis is a jolly decent chap, with a likeable disposition and good sense of humour.

He does, however, suffer from a phobia which has severely impacted his life. Henry suffers from quitophobia: he has an intense fear of quitting.

Henry says his phobia lies at the root of his success in business.

Henry Kravis is co-founder of private equity firm Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, has a personal fortune of $5.4billion, and has given away over $250million to good causes.

Kravis says that his quitophobia has helped him persist through the





that he has faced over the years.

It turns out that Churchill’s, "Never, never, never give up," was more than just a platitude.

Extensive research by Professor Angela Lee Duckworth shows that more than IQ, talent or any other factor, the No. 1 predictor of a person’s success is their unbreakable commitment to a long-term goal, or as she says, their grit.

In short, no grit in life = no pearl in life.

That’s why having a backbone is far more important than a wishbone.

I’ll leave the last word on the subject to General Douglas MacArthur who said, "Age may wrinkle the body, but quitting wrinkles the soul."




Live big & love deep.


A poke in the eye with a sharp stick …..

by Sunil Bali. 03-06-2018

I was brought up to believe that accumulating degrees and certificates was the way to succeed.

A first generation migrant to the UK, my mother thought that my salary and job security would be directly proportional to the number of letters after my name.

So I got a huge shock when I attended my first lecture at Business School, because the first thing our MBA Professor said to the class was, “If any of you were any good, you wouldn’t be here."

He said, "If you know what makes people mad, sad and glad, and can consistently make them glad, then you won’t need an MBA."

It was the most valuable thing I learned on my MBA. The rest of the course was about as useful as a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.

In hindsight, I think I learned more at Nursery School than I did at Business School. If you ever watch toddlers at Nursery School, they forgive very quickly, go where there is excitement, and stay where there is love.

Nursery school kids learn, play and create every day. They look at the world around them with wonder and awe, and realise that whether you’re 3 or 53, life is so much better when you hold hands and stick together.

Nursery kids know what we adults forget ….. love will drive you sane.



  1. A man has suffered serious head injuries after being hit with a large, round, brass percussion instrument.
    Police believe the attack was gong related.
  2. During my wife’s labour, the nurse came up to us and said,"What are your thoughts on Epidural".
    I said, "Thanks, but we’ve already picked a name."
  3. My doctor e-mailed me asking if I knew my "blod group".
    I replied, "typo."

And finally,


Live big & love deep.


May it find you alive …..

by Sunil Bali. 27-05-2018

I remember coming home from school from drama club when I was eleven years of age and proudly announcing to my mother that I was going to be an actor when I grow up.

"That’s fine son, but just remember that "actor” is spelled “d – o – c – t – o – r “, replied my mother.

There’s an old African proverb which says, "When death finds you, may it find you alive."

Alive means living your own life. Not the life that your parents want, not the life society wants, but the life that your soul wants.



When mum is not at home …..

My doctor has been very unprofessional and has been spreading gossip about me. She’s a rheumatologist.

Policeman to woman: I’m sorry madam, but looks like your husband got run over by a truck.

Woman: I know, but he has a great personality.


Live big & love deep.


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