by Sunil Bali 10-12-2017

Giorgio Armani said, "Elegance is not about being noticed, it’s about being remembered."

The one thing that great people have in common is that people talk about them behind their back – in glowing terms. They have a magnetic quality which attracts and softens the most hardened and cynical of souls.

In my experience, great people are remembered because:

- They are remarkable, defn. worthy of making a remark about.

- They don’t add to the noise, they are the signal.

- They’re not "chewing gum leaders" – their impact doesn’t disappear after a few minutes.

- They leave people better than when they found them.

If you pick up a glass you’ll leave a fingerprint. When you meet people you leave an emotional fingerprint.

What’s your emotional fingerprint? What do people say about you when you’re not in the room? How do you make people feel?



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Live big & love deep.
